7 Minute Plank Challenge for 2024

7 Minute Plank Challenge for 2024

Planks are one of those solid, tried-and-true workout moves that unhook on what it promises — tight, strong abs. If you’ve nailed the vital plank and are ready to take it to the next level, we’ve got you covered. This is the rencontre you need to stay fit in 2024!

Each of our plank variations offers the elements of balance, symmetry, oblique lifts, and lower when engagement to requite you a complete, spherical core strength challenge.

Follow These Workout Instructions for Optimal Results:

  • Perform each exercise for the time provided and move directly to the next one.
  • Go through the routine twice for a 7-minute ab-building workout.
  • Your form is crucial, so alimony everything tight and aligned.
  • This is a unconfined rencontre to add to the end of your cardio workout or at-home workout when you have a few spare minutes and want to work your core!

1. Plank to Single-Arm Reach

Chris Freytag demonstrating a plank to single-arm reach.
Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

How to do a plank to single-arm reach:

  1. Begin in a plank position with your shoulders over your wrists, your feet together, and your soul in a straight line.
  2. Raise your right arm and hold for one count. Repeat on the other side.
  3. Continue for 30 seconds.

2. Side Plank Lift-and-Lower Exercise

Chris Freytag demonstrating a side plank lift and lower exercise.
Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

How to do a side plank lift-and-lower:

  • Come into a side forearm plank by lying in one long line on one side, stacking your elbow under your shoulder and keeping your forearm on the mat perpendicular to your body. Stack your feet and stay in one long line as you engage your cadre and lift your hips up forming a side forearm plank.
  • Dip your hips lanugo toward the mat and lift when up using your obliques and cadre muscles.
  • Keep dipping for 30 seconds. Then, switch to the other side for flipside 30 seconds.

3. Side Plank Crunch

Chris Freytag demonstrating a side plank crunch.
Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

How to do a side plank crunch:

  1. Come into a side forearm plank by lying in one long line on one side, stacking your elbow under your shoulder, and keeping your forearm on mat perpendicular to your body. Stack your feet and stay in one long line as you engage your cadre and lift your hips up forming a side forearm plank. Lift your top arm toward the ceiling.
  2. Bring the elbow on your top arm and knee on your top leg in to tap the elbow and knee together. Then reach both long and repeat the tap working your obliques and unshortened cadre with these crunches.
  3. Perform for 30 seconds on each side.

4. Reverse Plank Exercise

Chris Freytag demonstrating a reverse plank.
Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

How to do a reverse plank:

  1. Start seated on the floor with legs long in front of your body. Place hands overdue your hips slightly wider than shoulders with fingers pointed toward your feet.
  2. Lift hips and torso off the floor and gaze up toward the ceiling keeping your neck relaxed. Alimony your soul in a long line with softly pointed toes. Alimony viscera tight and do not let your when sag.
  3. Hold for 30 seconds, then release to the floor slowly.

5. Cross-Body Plank

Chris Freytag demonstrating a navigate soul plank.
Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

To perform a cross-body plank:

  1. Begin in a plank position with your shoulders over your wrists, your feet together, and your soul in a straight line.
  2. Lift your right leg off the floor and bring your knee toward your chest and wideness your body, bringing your knee as tropical to your opposite elbow as possible. Return your leg to be when in a full plank and repeat on the opposite side.
  3. Repeat for 30 seconds.

Rest for 30 seconds and repeat all five moves for a total of 7 minutes!

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Photo Credit: Shutterstock

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As a personal trainer for decades, I have recommended this type of workout to so many people and currently include it in my own workout routine — considering HIIT exercises work to shrivel fat, fast!

Here’s your guide for getting started.

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Photo Credit: Depositphotos

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