101 Fitness Tips That Work (From a Personal Trainer!)

101 Fitness Tips That Work (From a Personal Trainer!)

Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or a beginner, incorporating fitness into your routine has loads of benefits for your health and well-being.

After 35 years in the fitness industry, I want to share 101 of the weightier fitness tips I’ve compiled over a decade of helping women squint and finger their best. From tips for an constructive exercise routine to largest eating habits, we’ve got you covered no matter your fitness goals!

Benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle

According to the CDC, regular physical worriedness is crucial to maintaining your physical and mental health. Stuff physically zippy can:

  • Improve your smart-ass health
  • Help you maintain a healthy weight
  • Reduce the risk of disease
  • Strengthen wreck and muscles
  • Improve your worthiness to do everyday activities

Of course, healthy eating is just as important! What you eat plays a significant role in achieving your fitness goals.

Eating a well-turned and healthy nutrition gives your soul the necessary nutrients to function correctly. It moreover helps maintain a healthy weight and reduces the risk of obesity and chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

The Weightier Fitness Tips for Largest Health

2 woman in fitness gown laughing

Now, you don’t need to do all 101 (your smart-ass would get a workout trying to remember all of them!), but try incorporating a few into your daily routine each week and watch your health change!

1. Strive for at least 150 minutes of exercise per week

The CDC recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical worriedness to alimony yourself healthy!

Break it lanugo to 40 minutes 4 days a week, 30 minutes 5 days a week, or however you’d like. Choose what works weightier for your lifestyle, whether it’s cardio, yoga, walking, jogging, or anything else that gets your heart rate up. Trammels out these beginners’ guides to get you started.

2. Cut your coffee calories

Cut calories in your morning cup of coffee by skipping the surf and sugar. Instead, try drinking it woebegone or reducing your value of each. Here are some increasingly healthy ways to savor your morning cup of joe.

3. Alimony a fitness journal

Tracking keeps you accountable! Moreover, writing lanugo your progress helps you stay unfluctuating with yourself during moments of doubt or discouragement. It allows you time to reflect on your progress thus far and what lies superiority if you remain single-minded over time.

4. Pay sustentation to your thoughts

Thoughts are powerful; bring sensation to yours. Do you encourage yourself with soul positivity or hold yourself when with negativity?

Changing your mindset could be all it takes to get your health on track. Dig deeper into this fitness tip by checking out:

5. Eat the rainbow

colorful healthy supplies on table

Eat foods that are closest to their natural state as possible. Aim for whole, fresh foods in a rainbow of colors. I put together a list of my favorite kitchen gadgets for you to make meal prepping and planning easier!

Looking for some restorative meal ideas to get you started? Trammels out these:

6. Stave processed foods

Watch out considering processed foods have multiple negative side effects. Generally speaking, the fewer the ingredients, the largest the food. Taking a quick squint at supplies labels can tell you a lot, but ideally, most of the supplies you buy doesn’t need a label.

If you are ownership packaged foods, trammels out this list of 15 Weightier Packaged Foods for Wipe Eating.

7. Make sure you drink water

Most adults need well-nigh two quarts of fluid per day to replace normal water loss or approximately eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day. Try this hydration calculator and my favorite hacks to drink increasingly water.

8. Increase Your Protein

You can add protein powder to smoothies for an widow boost. For example, a whey protein supplement can goody muscle towers and wound healing while boosting overall nutrition. It is moreover a unconfined option for aiding in muscle recovery post-workout.

For increasingly protein powder options, trammels out my list of favorites!

To add increasingly protein to your nutrition naturally, some of the weightier supplies options from Harvard Health include:

  • Lean meats such as chicken, turkey, beef, and pork
  • Dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt
  • Beans, peas, and lentils
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Quinoa
  • Soy products

9. Find your “why”

Finding your “why” for weight loss ways identifying your deeper reason for getting healthy (other than the number on the scale). For example, do you want to be worldly-wise to alimony up with your children or grandchildren? Are you sick of stuff tired all the time? Do you want increasingly energy and confidence?

Staying in touch with a deeper reason for health can alimony you motivated when things get tough.

10. Do workouts you enjoy

Find a form (or two!) of movement you truly enjoy. It’s easier to stick to things we squint forward to rather than dread. (Like the new walking pad and cozy cardio trends!)

Here are some fun workouts that maybe you haven’t thought of before:

11. Unchangingly Incorporate Strength Training

woman lifting weight whilom her head

Add some muscle-building activities to your workouts. Dumbbells, resistance wreath exercises, muscle sculpt classes, or using your soul weight with push-ups, planks, lunges, and squats all work.

Incorporating strength training into your workout regimen can modernize unorthodoxy density, increase metabolism, and enhance overall functional fitness. It’s moreover a unconfined way to target various muscle groups.

Get started with my free beginner’s program, or browse this library of strength workouts to try!

12. Set perfectionism aside

Keep in mind that striving for perfection usually leads to disaster. Set small goals and stair-step your way to success by developing daily healthy habits. Celebrate those wins, regardless of perfection.

13. Don’t DIET

One of the weightier fitness tips may seem counterintuitive, but stop dieting. Reverse the reports in the word DIET and EDIT what you eat! Make it a lifestyle transpiration toward healthier foods, not a pennilessness plan. These are my 10 expert tips for losing weight without dieting.

14. Take recovery days

Give yourself one to two days a week for zippy recovery (especially if soreness has set in). Rest days should be simple. Take a walk. Do a gentle yoga class. Simply engage in something less intense than what you do for exercise the other days of the week.

15. Alimony healthy snacks on hand

Select healthier choices to have on standby in your fridge when hunger pangs or emotional eating strikes, such as a trencher of fresh strawberries or blueberries. Here are my favorite healthy snacks to try whenever cravings strike.

16. Follow the 80/20 rule

Most fitness wisdom says to eat healthy 80 percent of the time. Indulge occasionally, but make sure most of your choices are healthy!

17. Shop the perimeter of your grocery store

Food tends to be the healthiest and less processed on the outside edges of most grocery stores. That’s where you’ll find fresh fruit and veggies, raw meat, and fresh seafood.

18. Don’t just focus on the scale

Find variegated ways to measure success other than stepping on the scale. Instead, pay sustentation to how you finger without you’ve been working out consistently. Think well-nigh the long-term health benefits of exercise.

19. Get an peccancy partner

group of people in a upper five

Working out in groups can offer increasingly benefits than working out vacated – science supports it!

Find your go-to person for exercise and weight loss support. Enlist that friend that says, “Let’s work out; we’ll finger largest if we do.” Exercise together, share tips, and swap encouragement.

20. Try working out in the morning

Get that heart rate up first thing in the morning. While the time of day makes no difference regarding results, you may be increasingly likely to make excuses as time goes on.

Plus, a morning workout might be perfect for some “you” time. Join our morning workout challenge to get the support you need to implement this fitness tip!

21. Exhibit your results

Whether it’s the pounds you have lost, how many times you worked out this week, or a picture of you showing off results, exhibit it to motivate you to alimony it up!

22. Track your workout schedule

Circle the days on a timetable when you’ve worked out, or mark it on your phone. That way, you can finger proud of your successes and be worldly-wise to repeat the schedule that worked for you in the past.

23. Build muscle

Want to speed up your metabolism? Towers muscle is the key since muscle burns increasingly fat at rest. Add muscle-building moves and try lifting weights in wing to your high-intensity workouts for long-term benefits.

24. Two pounds at a time

Don’t overwhelm yourself with your platonic goal weight. When you are lanugo two pounds, let yourself finger proud and then think well-nigh the next two.

25. Eat smaller portions

Portion tenancy is crucial – expressly when you are eating indulgent food. Plane healthy foods can lead to weight proceeds if you eat large portions! Try to stave overeating, plane if the supplies is healthy.

26. Use shopping as motivation

colorful yoga mats

Why not reward yourself with a new workout top, headband, or piece of equipment? Having something new can motivate you to unquestionably use it! I have curated shopping guides in my Amazon store, so have fun with this fitness tip!

27. Eat slowly

One of the most powerful yet simple tips to try is to eat slowly. Put your fork lanugo in between bites to alimony from over-eating. When you eat increasingly slowly, you indulge your mind some time to recognize when your soul is full.

28. Treat yourself

Pat yourself on the when for all your nonflexible work with a massage or your favorite TV show, or yank yourself a nice, relaxing bath. Prioritize self-care a few times a week. Just make sure your “treat” doesn’t sabotage your success!

29. Make a list of positive affirmations

Here are a few to get you started: I love to exercise. I want to live a healthy life. My soul is getting healthier every day. Read well-nigh how positive affirmations can transpiration your mindset and a list of my favorites.

30. Don’t write-up yourself up

There’s no such thing as “cheating.” Don’t be too nonflexible on yourself or your body. Cut yourself some slack and empower yourself to make a largest nomination next time!

31. Make fitness a top priority

Put your health goals at the top of your priority list. If you’re constantly taking superintendency of everyone else, you’ll never have time to take superintendency of yourself!

32. Swap a bad visualization with a good one

When in doubt, go with the healthy alternative! For example, swap the carbs in pasta for zucchini noodles or opt for a cauliflower husks pizza. Plane the smallest swaps can make a significant impact.

33. Don’t skip increasingly than one workout

Try never to go increasingly than two days in a row without exercise unless you are injured or ill. This applies to your vacations, too!

Remember: not all workouts have to be high-intensity. Try these low-intensity workouts for the days when you’re struggling to muster up the energy.

34. Eat mindfully

woman eating salad

Be mindful of what you are eating. Ask yourself if you really are hungry or if something else is going on that’s causing you to turn to food.

The HALT method can be helpful – ask yourself if you are hungry, angry, lonely, or tired. Emotions can trick us into thinking we’re hungry when we’re not.

These are my favorite tips to stave overeating during the holidays, but you can use them year-round!

35. Just alimony going

This is a tip to swear by: just alimony going. Don’t start and stop; just alimony going. If exercise is new to you, start off slow and aim for a few workouts per week and then increase as you go.

36. Create measurable goals you can trammels off

These should be smaller things that only take a couple of weeks to accomplish. You can have your ultimate goal, but motivation can wane if it’s years out.

37. Don’t stuff yourself

Stop eating when you finger satiated, not stuffed.

38. Make an irritation list

Often, what’s getting us lanugo are a tuft of little irritants rather than a big looming problem. If you can solve some of the small issues, it makes room for your success.

39. Use a standing desk

If you have a sedentary job, sitting all day hurts your health. Consider a walking pad with a standing workstation or, at the very least, stand up or pace when you use the phone. People in unvarying motion shrivel increasingly calories.

40. Drink tea

Drink caffeinated tea as an afternoon pick-me-up or decaf tea as a way to wind lanugo at night. There are so many health benefits to tea, including lower thoroughbred pressure, reduced wrinkles, weight loss, and more.

41. Set rules that work for you

Many people who have successfully lost weight and kept it off have set rules for themselves.

42. Make a habit list

Make a list of bad habits you are willing to requite up and the good habits you will start.

43. Invest in a water bottle

Get a unconfined water snifter to take everywhere you go, and use my tips for drinking increasingly water every day!

44. Push your limits

Change your limits and surprise yourself. When you mentally and physically push the line, it will motivate you to alimony going—or set your sights higher. If you struggle to push yourself, try my Get Healthy U TV membership for widow support!

45. Shrivel increasingly calories than you eat

It takes a deficit of 3,500 calories to lose one pound. If weight loss is your goal, your caloric intake should be less than your calories burned. Long story short? You need to shrivel increasingly than you take in!

46. Use a foam roller

woman in gym using foam roller

Foam roll to relieve tight muscles and achy joints. Foam rollers are affordable and easy to use; aim for well-nigh three times a week for weightier results. Here is a beginner’s guide to the benefits of foam rolling.

47. Read others’ success stories as motivation

Learning well-nigh how others have experienced success can encourage you to persevere and believe in your own success.

48. Do HIIT

Ramp up the intensity of your workouts to rev up your metabolism and unravel through a plateau. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workouts will requite you the uplift you need!

49. Track your calories

People tend to underestimate the calories they consume. Tracking your calories for a week or two can help you get an honest towage of how many calories you eat per day. Don’t skip anything – you’ll only hurt yourself by not stuff honest.

50. Make movement part of your life

woman reflecting on seawall with bike

With this fitness tip, I want you to think of exercise and movement as an all-day thing. Just considering you got in a 45-minute workout in the morning doesn’t midpoint you should sit on the hovel the rest of the day!

51. View each day as a wipe slate

Practicing self-compassion ways not vibration yourself up without a day that fell short of your healthy living goals. If you miss a workout – tomorrow is a new day.

52. Trade soda for sparkling water

Sparkling water still has the carbonation you’re used to but will save you tons of calories, not to mention the strained colors and sweeteners.

53. Ditch comparisons

Don’t compare yourself or your soul to others; focus on your own progress instead.

54. Try yoga

woman stretching forward on yoga matt

Yoga can help you finger centered (among other benefits). It stretches and strengthens your body, improves your zoetic and awareness, and empowers your mind. Trammels out some of my most popular yoga workouts:

55. Get unbearable sleep

How much and the quality of sleep you get can directly stupefy your appetite. Use this sleep calculator to find out the right bedtime or wake time for you. You can moreover trammels out my 15 science-backed tips for getting largest sleep.

56. Listen to music that motivates

Music can help take your workout up a notch if it’s music that appeals to you. One of the weightier tips is to have a go-to playlist that instantly gets you in the zone to work out. It’s like having a trainer right in your ears.

57. Indulge in small portions

When a starving strikes, it’s weightier to find a reasonable, healthy substitute that might still request to you. If not, indulge yourself to indulge in a craving, but do so in small portions. (Remember the 80/20 rule!)

A portion tenancy orchestration listing variegated sizes of supplies you should be eating

58. Use the right footwear

Make sure your footwear is suitable for your workouts. Everything from ankle, knee, and hip pain can be aggravated or plane caused by improper footwear.

59. Don’t be wrung of fat

Healthy fats, such as MUFAs or monounsaturated fatty acids, can unquestionably alimony you satiated and aid in weight loss. Nuts, seeds, olive oil, olives, avocados, and visionless chocolate all make the cut.

60. Opt for spin training

Circuit-style workouts combine multiple variegated exercises and tuition your metabolism while helping you shed pounds.

61. Eat increasingly greens

green fruit and veggies

Kale, spinach, broccoli, Swiss chard, or collard greens. This fitness tip is all well-nigh getting you full of fiber, vitamins, and minerals to protect you versus disease. There’s a reason so many leafy untried vegetables are on the top anti-inflammatory and blue zones supplies lists.

62. Never dine at your desk

Tempted to stay near your computer through lunch? Don’t do it! Your meal will be less satisfying, and you’ll be increasingly likely to want increasingly soon after.

63. Don’t forget to warm-up

Without doing this proper warm-up, you’re likely to exacerbate joint and/or muscle pain and rationalization injury during your workout.

64. Melt at home as much as you can

When you melt homemade meals, you’re largest worldly-wise to tenancy all the ingredients and stave glut calories. Browse these easy, healthy recipes for inspiration:

65. Get your five servings

Aim to eat five servings of fruits and veggies daily.

66. Be consistent

Use consistency to recipe your results. It’s not what you do once in a while that counts; it’s what you do daily. Implementing this fitness tip will make you just finger good!

67. Follow your favorite fitness gurus

Follow fitness finance (like mine!) on social media and use them as daily motivation, inspiration, and encouragement.

68. Try a fitness app

Fitness apps can help you track your progress at your fingertips. Find your favorite one and use it as an peccancy tool and a way to see what’s working. Here are some good apps to start with.

69. Plan ahead

Use Sundays as prep days to eat healthy all week. Get unbearable produce and staples needed for the week.

Here are a few increasingly helpful meal-planning tips:

70. Workout Outside

woman working out outside

Taking your fitness routine outdoors has spare health benefits. By connecting with mother nature, this fitness tip can modernize your mood, your self-esteem, challenges yourself, the transpiration of scenery might plane help you stick to the routine and of course, it’s free.

Here are some of my favorite outdoor workouts:

71. Use races as motivation

Commit to a 5k to motivate you to train. Plus, you just may find out that the energy of the supportive crowds really motivates you to alimony jogging—long without the race.

72. Stretch, stretch, stretch

woman streching

This is so important! Be sure to stretch without exercise. If you can loosen your muscles post-workout, you’ll have happy joints ready to go for your next sweat session and less pain. (Don’t forget a pre-workout stretch, too!)

73. Ramp it up slowly

If you hate exercise, make incremental changes each week. Aim for a 20-minute workout at first, then increase your time.

74. Work out at home

Skip the gym membership fee and the commute and work out at home. Join me on Get Healthy U TV for tons of full-length workout videos and workout calendars.

75. Beware of fitness fads

Don’t try fads and gimmicks. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Losing weight takes time and nonflexible work, but with these realistic fitness tips, I know you can do it.

76. Make smoothies ahead

The morning frenzy is real. Freeze a few fruit smoothies to grab on the go in the early mornings so you can stick to your plan without any hassle.

Pro-tip: you can take a frozen smoothie on an airplane. by the time you get through your gate, it’s thawed unbearable to eat, and you can skip the unhealthy airport breakfast!

77. Drink lemon water

Drink lemon water in the morning to hydrate and wastefulness pH levels. Alternatively, dilute one teaspoon to a maximum of two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in water. Start small and increase as you can handle the taste.

78. Think of workouts like appointments

Schedule your workouts just like you would any other visit and stick to it. You wouldn’t no-show a meeting at work or a doctor’s appointment; don’t no-show your workouts either.

79. Alimony swig to a minimum

Don’t overdo it on cocktails. If you’re going to have a drink, a good nomination is red wine, which has heart-healthy antioxidants. Liquid calories add up fast, so opt for one glass only.

If you are mixing drinks, trammels out my cocktail recipes that use largest ingredients!

80. Go untried in the AM

green smoothie with veggies

Try this untried green protein smoothie or juice celery; both pack a nutrition dial and get your day started off right.

81. Don’t get too stuck in a routine

The same habits equal the same results. If you aren’t getting results, transpiration what you are doing.

82. Pay sustentation to serving sizes on labels

Even if the label says only 100 calories, if you’re eating double the serving size, then you need to double the caloric number as well.

83. Interval train

Twice a week, instead of going at a steady pace for 30 minutes, go easy for 3 minutes and nonflexible for 1 minute. Repeat this pattern 5 to 6 times!

84. Swap out ice cream

Finding yourself reaching for ice surf every night? Try Greek yogurt instead with a little honey, berries, and visionless chocolate fries or walnuts or this succulent nice cream.

85. Be patient with weight loss

Don’t expect the weight to come off fast. Be realistic! Remember: it takes time to proceeds weight; it takes time to lose it.

86. Don’t go to parties hungry

This fitness tip is one of my favorites considering often, it’s when we’re stuff social that we have a nonflexible time sticking to our goals. When I go to parties, I eat something healthy surpassing and then snack on a favorite titbit surpassing I stop eating.

This becomes a lot increasingly reasonable if you eat a small, healthy meal or hearty snack surpassing you go.

87. Try a fitness tracker

Fitness trackers range from pricey to less expensive, but one that can track your steps and your workouts can add increased motivation to your fitness journey.

88. Snack-prep for rented schedules

It’s unchangingly good to have healthy snacks on you—especially if your schedule is crazy.

89. Treat your injuries correctly

Got an injury? Treat it with ice/cold therapy if it’s less than six weeks old. If it’s increasingly than six weeks old, heat therapy is your weightier bet.

90. Realize nutrition and exercise are intertwined

Even if we don’t like it, exercise and your nutrition are married forever. You can’t lose weight with one and not the other— period. There’s no getting virtually it.

91. Use exercise to uplift your mood

Exercise is a unconfined stress reliever and mood booster. When you’ve had a rough day, going for an outdoor run or throwing a few punches in a kickboxing workout may be just what you need!

92. Stick with your budget

Eating healthy on a upkeep is possible. Instead of ownership fresh fruits and vegetables, try ownership frozen, expressly when out of season. They’re packed at the peak of freshness; just be sure to trammels the labels to stay well-spoken of brands with other additives.

93. Be enlightened of your triggers

Does an treatise with your spouse or loved one typically send you to the fridge late at night? Or how well-nigh a stressful workday triggering you to hit up the drive-through on the way home?

Being enlightened of your triggers can rationalization you to recognize when they may occur and prevent bad choices.

94. Cross-train

You still want that cardiovascular exercise to stay in the schedule, but transpiration the worriedness you are doing. Browse the workouts on my site or a personal trainer could build you a cross-training routine.

95. Prep hard-boiled eggs

Make hard-boiled eggs at the whence of the week for a ready-to-grab protein-packed snack you can eat by itself or add to other items like avocado toast.

96. Alimony healthy snacks everywhere

Be prepared for hunger to strike when on the go. Have non-perishable, healthy snacks on hand in multiple locations like your car, in your gym bag, and purse.

That way you can unchangingly have a healthy option you can turn to when in a pinch.

97. Develop a positive attitude

Your thoughts determine how you finger and often determine what you can accomplish. As Napoleon Hill once said, “What your mind can woolgather and believe, you can achieve.”

98. Meditate

woman meditating in a garden

We need increasingly meditation and less medication. Meditating is easy to do, and its benefits are numerous. Reduce stress, modernize your health, get centered, outbreathe better, and get focused.

99. Reduce stress

Stress produces higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which can make you require sweets and salty foods.

Reducing your stress will not only help your mind, but it can moreover help your waistline! Try these relaxation tips to help yourself nippy out.

100. Take your vitamins

Even if you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, you may still be skimpy in key nutrients. If that’s the case, supplement with these important vitamins.

101. Practice self-love

older woman happy in the street

Exercising your worthiness to love yourself is just as important as physical exercise. One way you can do this: without each workout, thank your wondrous soul for stuff worldly-wise to do that nonflexible work.

This mindset of self-love is important for your health and quality of life!

Remember, fitness is not just well-nigh physical health but moreover mental and emotional well-being. Don’t be wrung to push yourself and try new things, but moreover listen to your soul and take rest days when you need them.

With consistency and dedication, you can unzip your fitness goals. With these 101 fitness tips, you now have the knowledge and tools to create a healthier lifestyle that works for you!